FAQs are the list of Q&As that your app users can access. They serve as a quick help.


To add a new FAQ:

  • Login to admin panel
  • Navigate to App > FAQs
  • Tap on the Add FAQ button at the top right which redirects you to the FAQ creation page
  • Enter FAQ’s “Title” and “Description”
  • Then, hit the Save button at the bottom and the new FAQ shows on the list


Update availability of FAQs

To make an FAQ available or unavailable at the app:

  • Login to admin panel
  • Navigate to App > FAQs
  • Tap the toggle button on/off at the “Status” field of the FAQ


Edit FAQs

  • Login to admin panel
  • Navigate to App > FAQs
  • Tap the edit icon of the FAQ you want to edit. Then an edit screen pops up.
  • There, edit the FAQ and hit the Update button


Delete FAQs

To delete a FAQ:

  • Login to admin panel
  • Navigate to App > FAQs
  • Tap on the delete icon of the FAQ you want to delete and a warning message pops up.
  • There, press the Yes, Delete it! button
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