
The Help are the supports that you provide to your mobile app users. You can include your support contacts or links in the Help tab.

Add Help

To add new help:

  • Login to admin panel
  • Navigate to App > Help
  • Tap on the Add Help button at the top right which redirects you to the help creation page
  • There, enter “Title” and “Description” of the help
  • Hit the Save button at the bottom and the new help shows on the list


Update availability of Help

To make a Help available or unavailable at the app:

  • Login to admin panel
  • Navigate to App > Help
  • Tap the toggle button on/off at the “Status” field of the Help


Edit Help

  • Login to admin panel
  • navigate to App > Help
  • Tap the edit icon of the Help you want to edit. Then an edit screen pops up.
  • There, edit the Help and hit the Update button


Delete Help

To delete a Help :

  • Login to admin panel
  • Navigate to App > Help
  • Tap on the delete icon of the FAQ you want to delete and a warning message pops up.
  • There, press the Yes, Delete it! button
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